Ships to pass, sharks and whales, trips by boat, dazes on the water. Tales of the dark knights, stories of the rocks and the waves, dances on the seven seas. Good times with Peter Pan, dreams in drama, fairy tales, seven knights to sail. Hats and horns, joys and pains, ships that pass at night, lessons to learn, games on the sands of time. Hats and caps, wigs and halos, dances on the seven seas, tales on land, whales and sharks, plenty of fish in the seas.
Love and luck, seas to sail, dates with ships, boats to float, dances on the water, coins and cards to flip, good times. Dates for the sunny dazes, dances with drama, frogs and fish, lots of monkeys on land, faces in the mirror. Lots of boats on the water, lots of dreams on the ships, dances for dollars, rats to races, rocks to dodge. Waves and rocks, ships of dreams to sail, lots of dashes with knights, kings on quest, rats to run. Ships of fools, ships of frogs, ships of fish to sail, dazes in the sunlight, boats to float, dazes and stone. Rocks and snakes under the water, frogs and fish in the seas, monkeys to dodge, pages of lives lived, angels on earth. Tales to share, ;pages to turn, lives on the water, snakes in the grass, snakes in the water, faces of dates. Games on land, fingers in the air, blame the others, life and love, hats and horns, goats and sheep, lives in the lights.
Birds and Bees, Show To Do, Good Times....Dances with monkeys, swingers in the mix, hugs and kisses, lots of games to play. Rachel Jarrot, dream life, dicks and dogs, babes in black, tricks to trade. Hats and horns, wigs to wear, caps for bad hair dazes. Sheep and goats, kids will play. RACHEL104LIFE.WORDPRESS.COM...Tales of charms, wits and graces, lions on land, lions in the air, food and fools, fun in the sun. Happy and delighted, tips online to share, stories of haters, tales of haters. Lions to roars. Rocks And Stones, Love My Gems, Diamond And Paste....Flip a land shark...Steven Jarrot, nuts to run, freaks and frogs, snakes in the grass, herds of jackasses, tin can affairs, RV campers for life. Rachel Jarrot, the sucker for the love and devotion of a father for a trick. Golden Cow, with bald pussy for daddy's delight. Gifts to share on the darkness in the herds of cattle, land whales, and fake friends.
Love and devotion, love and hate, horns on a goat, gifts to share for the love of a true American Man, not time for the fake men, like snakes and mules, bison or cattle out on open ranges....Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ftLessons learned with a snake in the grass, classes with the whales on land, mistakes of the freaks, frogs and fools noted.. Records set for the good times on the beach, whales on land for the party and play freaks out at night. Happy with the lifestyle, happy with the grass growing under their feet, same story, different year.
U just can't cure stupid👉 Steven Jarrot:7608512267.Jewish,Wide-asses.Super-freaks party and play.Drug dealers,Charles R. Jarrot, to steal cash and credit..Crooks, Robbers, Cheaters grandmothers Sima and Rachel Jarrot, 88, and 92, years old family members.Charles R. Jarrot L.a. Inc.@SPTsou5👈 Love or hate, and the words that are in pack more wisdom on the forts in the road. Love or hate so hard to see the lights on the heart...Horns to sound, donkeys fucked, in the hills, in the valley, in Upland, CA, Sheri and Rach Jay, Sima and Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, to date. Time for the sluts to run, games with dicks in line, party and play, family of jackasses. Time stars to shine at night. In to the woods, into the dark, angels and fairies to fall in the snakes.
Games in skins, faces to changes, seasons and causes to do, hands to play, classes to pass, over time and space, good times, balls in the air.
Happy day of thanks, blue stars shining bright. Stars of David, points to six views on earth and in
the heavens. Gifts to laugh, gifts to cry, gifts for the dead, bones in boxes. Happy and gay lifestyle to share with drugs, Tina and Herbs also. Fruits and nuts, cattle and bison, cows and whales, happy and gay. Ventura, UCLA bitches, butches, dicks and tricks, trades for sex. Daily games on down low, fun and games on the beach.
RV campers, sex on the beach, drinks and drinks cum again always. Get a new life, turn on the lights, same story, different dazes again. Starrs Bright tonight. Freak Lover Sexy Toys: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, role plays, hacker, crook and liar. Masters with slaves, party and play mates. Gus and girls friends, foes, sinners and saints buy sexy toys, for fun and games, after the kids are asleep. Freaks , saints and sinners, fools like Steven Jarrot: 7608512267.
Hackers, Snakes and Frogs, Steven Jarrot Snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: pimp on wheels, RV camper for life, dicks to suck, gang bang rules, party and play, suck your dick, ...Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.....ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT..Monkeys Stealing Things, Steven And Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267, seven snakes alive, devils with green eyes, views as clear as mud, glasses to wars, battles of wits, charms and graces, lots of lessons to learn, glory dazes done, pages to turn, life goes on, moving forward.... Snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: pimp on wheels, RV camper for life, dicks to suck, gang bang rules, party and play, suck your dick, ...Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.....ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT..Monkeys Stealing Things, Steven And Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267, seven snakes alive, devils with green eyes, views as clear as mud, glasses to wars, battles of wits, charms and graces, lots of lessons to learn, glory dazes done, pages to turn, life goes on, moving forward...
Back in time, when dirt was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, Rachel Jarrot, was 16 once, loved it so much, got lost in the year, best year up to day, 2011. 2012 grandmother got ran over by a reindeer, not.Sinners and Saints, Black Snakes In Grass, Steven Jarrot, White Niggers, Black Or Jewish Rites. Nice snake, black in sands of time, thanks. Frog Army, Jewish Frogs To ...Ladies of the night, butches and bitches, dicks to strap on, games to play, roles of dykes.....saved for a moment...smithuritza.blogspot.comIn The Shadows.
Ships to pass, sharks and whales, trips by boat, dazes on the water. Tales of the dark knights, stories of the rocks and the waves, dances on the seven seas. Good times with Peter Pan, dreams in drama, fairy tales, seven knights to sail. Hats and horns, joys and pains, ships that pass at night, lessons to learn, games on the sands of time. Hats and caps, wigs and halos, dances on the seven seas, tales on land, whales and sharks, plenty of fish in the seas.
Love and luck, seas to sail, dates with ships, boats to float, dances on the water, coins and cards to flip, good times. Dates for the sunny dazes, dances with drama, frogs and fish, lots of monkeys on land, faces in the mirror. Lots of boats on the water, lots of dreams on the ships, dances for dollars, rats to races, rocks to dodge. Waves and rocks, ships of dreams to sail, lots of dashes with knights, kings on quest, rats to run. Ships of fools, ships of frogs, ships of fish to sail, dazes in the sunlight, boats to float, dazes and stone. Rocks and snakes under the water, frogs and fish in the seas, monkeys to dodge, pages of lives lived, angels on earth. Tales to share, ;pages to turn, lives on the water, snakes in the grass, snakes in the water, faces of dates. Games on land, fingers in the air, blame the others, life and love, hats and horns, goats and sheep, lives in the lights.
Birds and Bees, Show To Do, Good Times....Dances with monkeys, swingers in the mix, hugs and kisses, lots of games to play. Rachel Jarrot, dream life, dicks and dogs, babes in black, tricks to trade. Hats and horns, wigs to wear, caps for bad hair dazes. Sheep and goats, kids will play. RACHEL104LIFE.WORDPRESS.COM...Tales of charms, wits and graces, lions on land, lions in the air, food and fools, fun in the sun. Happy and delighted, tips online to share, stories of haters, tales of haters. Lions to roars. Rocks And Stones, Love My Gems, Diamond And Paste....Flip a land shark...Steven Jarrot, nuts to run, freaks and frogs, snakes in the grass, herds of jackasses, tin can affairs, RV campers for life. Rachel Jarrot, the sucker for the love and devotion of a father for a trick. Golden Cow, with bald pussy for daddy's delight. Gifts to share on the darkness in the herds of cattle, land whales, and fake friends.

Love and luck, seas to sail, dates with ships, boats to float, dances on the water, coins and cards to flip, good times. Dates for the sunny dazes, dances with drama, frogs and fish, lots of monkeys on land, faces in the mirror. Lots of boats on the water, lots of dreams on the ships, dances for dollars, rats to races, rocks to dodge. Waves and rocks, ships of dreams to sail, lots of dashes with knights, kings on quest, rats to run. Ships of fools, ships of frogs, ships of fish to sail, dazes in the sunlight, boats to float, dazes and stone. Rocks and snakes under the water, frogs and fish in the seas, monkeys to dodge, pages of lives lived, angels on earth. Tales to share, ;pages to turn, lives on the water, snakes in the grass, snakes in the water, faces of dates. Games on land, fingers in the air, blame the others, life and love, hats and horns, goats and sheep, lives in the lights.
Birds and Bees, Show To Do, Good Times....Dances with monkeys, swingers in the mix, hugs and kisses, lots of games to play. Rachel Jarrot, dream life, dicks and dogs, babes in black, tricks to trade. Hats and horns, wigs to wear, caps for bad hair dazes. Sheep and goats, kids will play. RACHEL104LIFE.WORDPRESS.COM...Tales of charms, wits and graces, lions on land, lions in the air, food and fools, fun in the sun. Happy and delighted, tips online to share, stories of haters, tales of haters. Lions to roars. Rocks And Stones, Love My Gems, Diamond And Paste....Flip a land shark...Steven Jarrot, nuts to run, freaks and frogs, snakes in the grass, herds of jackasses, tin can affairs, RV campers for life. Rachel Jarrot, the sucker for the love and devotion of a father for a trick. Golden Cow, with bald pussy for daddy's delight. Gifts to share on the darkness in the herds of cattle, land whales, and fake friends.
Love and devotion, love and hate, horns on a goat, gifts to share for the love of a true American Man, not time for the fake men, like snakes and mules, bison or cattle out on open ranges....Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ftLessons learned with a snake in the grass, classes with the whales on land, mistakes of the freaks, frogs and fools noted.. Records set for the good times on the beach, whales on land for the party and play freaks out at night. Happy with the lifestyle, happy with the grass growing under their feet, same story, different year.
U just can't cure stupid👉 Steven Jarrot:7608512267.Jewish,Wide-asses.Super-freaks party and play.Drug dealers,Charles R. Jarrot, to steal cash and credit..Crooks, Robbers, Cheaters grandmothers Sima and Rachel Jarrot, 88, and 92, years old family members.Charles R. Jarrot L.a. Inc.@SPTsou5👈 Love or hate, and the words that are in pack more wisdom on the forts in the road. Love or hate so hard to see the lights on the heart...Horns to sound, donkeys fucked, in the hills, in the valley, in Upland, CA, Sheri and Rach Jay, Sima and Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, to date. Time for the sluts to run, games with dicks in line, party and play, family of jackasses. Time stars to shine at night. In to the woods, into the dark, angels and fairies to fall in the snakes.
Games in skins, faces to changes, seasons and causes to do, hands to play, classes to pass, over time and space, good times, balls in the air.
Happy day of thanks, blue stars shining bright. Stars of David, points to six views on earth and in
the heavens. Gifts to laugh, gifts to cry, gifts for the dead, bones in boxes. Happy and gay lifestyle to share with drugs, Tina and Herbs also. Fruits and nuts, cattle and bison, cows and whales, happy and gay. Ventura, UCLA bitches, butches, dicks and tricks, trades for sex. Daily games on down low, fun and games on the beach.
RV campers, sex on the beach, drinks and drinks cum again always. Get a new life, turn on the lights, same story, different dazes again. Starrs Bright tonight. Freak Lover Sexy Toys: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, role plays, hacker, crook and liar. Masters with slaves, party and play mates. Gus and girls friends, foes, sinners and saints buy sexy toys, for fun and games, after the kids are asleep. Freaks , saints and sinners, fools like Steven Jarrot: 7608512267.
Hackers, Snakes and Frogs, Steven Jarrot Snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: pimp on wheels, RV camper for life, dicks to suck, gang bang rules, party and play, suck your dick, ...Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.....ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT..Monkeys Stealing Things, Steven And Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267, seven snakes alive, devils with green eyes, views as clear as mud, glasses to wars, battles of wits, charms and graces, lots of lessons to learn, glory dazes done, pages to turn, life goes on, moving forward.... Snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: pimp on wheels, RV camper for life, dicks to suck, gang bang rules, party and play, suck your dick, ...Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.....ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT..Monkeys Stealing Things, Steven And Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267, seven snakes alive, devils with green eyes, views as clear as mud, glasses to wars, battles of wits, charms and graces, lots of lessons to learn, glory dazes done, pages to turn, life goes on, moving forward...
Back in time, when dirt was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, Rachel Jarrot, was 16 once, loved it so much, got lost in the year, best year up to day, 2011. 2012 grandmother got ran over by a reindeer, not.Sinners and Saints, Black Snakes In Grass, Steven Jarrot, White Niggers, Black Or Jewish Rites. Nice snake, black in sands of time, thanks. Frog Army, Jewish Frogs To ...Ladies of the night, butches and bitches, dicks to strap on, games to play, roles of dykes.....saved for a moment...smithuritza.blogspot.comIn The Shadows.
Frogs, snakes, and monkeys to fry, joys and pieces of the pie, still set in sky. Gifts of sun and moons, stars that shine bright, tips and tales of the bumps in the road. Songs to sing, dances in the rain, joys and pains, classes on the beach....Steven and Sima Jarrot, 7608512267. Freaks and yellow Cuban Transplants. Paul and Charley Jarrot, dead monkeys, bones in boxes. Fags, Drug Dealer, Snakes In Grass, Steven and Charlie Jarrot, Pick Shit, 7608512267, Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot: wigs only $6000 in Beverly Hills, have herds of prey to pay. Danny George, or Lissa the mental veteran, and the others that like daddy mouth on them. My daddy is the cum lord of cragslist every night. Wigs on, wigs daily cap. Drop out, cash cow for food, eats while sleeping. Habits runs in herds of frogs, freaks, and buffalo.
Good times, the middle, jokers to the right. Life partner, dream mate?WORDS OF A JACKASS: STEVEN jARROT:7603601613: Party and play with a dick or two, order for the night..THANK GOD ...STILL CUM DUMP HERE DICKS OR CHICKS 7608512267: TODAY. ONCE AGAIN I SAY DONT HATE ITS NO WAY TO LIVE. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...I have some 420 to give/barter for a wet kitty for - m4w 53 (oxnard)age : 53 : Dated June 22, 2015: words of snake charmer-Steve Jarrot-7608512267: Not a cheater is how he sees his-self, and the ads he places while girlfriends works, flying here and there, fake boyfriends, same as pimps: though the mud that covers his glasses now. views of a man, not a cheater?
Stupid can not be fixed, stupid have hard times with formal English, not able to understand to fail, is to learn, first attempts in learning, only the Hence and dumb would ask for English instead. Okay to you? Clear as mud for me, the level of hard knocks was unknown for frog.
ReplyDeleteSeason done and the choices made are the ones that count, ashes to ashes, bones in a box, sad day for the clans gather at the graves of the dead and lifeless, November 2, 2014: The day of the Dead: Happy dazes on the left side of the grave. No more life to talk about while undead and unstable, a group of hell hounds, or vamps in training, for a flip side of the coin, and a different view on the same group of Jewish white joy kills, too self-serving, too self centered, to bend and twisted, with truth and honesty as punch lines. Sad story again.