Wednesday, November 22, 2017

. House Searches: Veterans Connect: • Malibu, CA: Blue Oceans.Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans

Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take. Welcome 2 The Party: JAY Z.but I'll be back soon, I promise...💋❤️💋 Daily Shooting: Happy, Better, More Money. Charms…Snakes and Frogs, Army Frogs Jewish Rites, cows and sheep, horns to blow, dances in the dark.

House Searches: Veterans Connect: • Malibu, CA: Blue Oceans.Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans. Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Who Do You Trust? One nut to stand, woods to grow, stories told around the world. Sheep and goats, tales of lovers. Malibu, CA: Blue Oceans.

 Fairy tales, rats tails, rats racing daily races. Will steal from earth angels, and veterans. Blessings with lessons to share.  ENGLISH words. Fuck views of frogs. Clowns gone. Basket cases on the beach. Steven with son, both cheaters and liars. People you desire in your pocket? Charles R.Jarrot, 7607778998, Land Whales. Prey on the beach, watch out: parties to pay, trades for free wills. Rats. Mental for a fee. Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share.

Dick Jarrot, dawgs and donkeys for free rides. Faces of cows, faces of frogs, faces of crooks, cheaters and liars, faces online, hits and misses. Strangers to friends, not these retards....Wiccan Teachings of Luna Silver Rayne A Place with No Judgement, Simply Love & Light!   Lizzy and Angel Jarrot, lots of luck in the things to do, hopes and dreams up in the air, songs to sing of caps to wear. Lissa and Jackie Jackel to date, faith to turn the lights on, faces of earth angels to note, data to collect, stories of faith. Lots of lessons learned, classes on the sands of time, angels in host to guide, thanks to the stars, thanks to god in the heavens, pages of lovers, tips and horns to sound. Dances for life...

House Searches: Veterans Connect: • Malibu, CA: Blue Oceans.Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans..Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take. Welcome 2 The Party: JAY Z.but I'll be back soon, I promise...💋❤️💋 Daily Shooting: Happy, Better, More Money. Charms…Snakes and Frogs, Army Frogs Jewish Rites, cows and sheep, horns to blow, dances in the dark.

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